Last Saturday was the Camp Wyoming Open House where we got a chance to see lots of new and familiar faces. If you weren’t able to make it, you can still check out some of the highlights of the day here. We are very grateful to all those who did come out and we look forward to seeing you again this summer!
Lots of families came and visited us. From perspective campers to long-time veterans to younger siblings exploring opportunities for the future, everyone got to experience a little piece of the camp community as they went on tours and participated in activities throughout the day.
There was plenty of food for all! Lunch and desserts awaited visitors in Deer Center, where they could also watch this year’s promo video, sign up to win raffle prizes, meet our staff, play indoor games, and make crafts.
One of the favorite activities of the day was kayaking! The sun even joined us for a little while as families went kayaking together on Frog Pond.
Thank you to everyone who came and participated! We hope you had as much fun as we did! If you weren’t able to make it, don’t worry. We’d still love to see you for camp this summer. Our deadline for the early bird registration rates is April 30th, so make sure to go to www.campwyoming.net to register for camp and reserve your spot. The camps are filling up quickly. If you have questions but weren’t able to come to the Open House, you can call the Camp Office (563-488-3893) and we will be happy to answer anything and everything you want to know.
Summer camp is right around the corner. We’re getting excited, and we hope you are too! See you soon!