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Why Work At Camp Bear Creek

Camp Bear Creek is a place where adventure, fun, and creativity are mixed with worship, community, and friendship. The end result is a Christian summer camp where children of all ages are able to authentically live out their journey of growing up. But, they don’t do it alone. This is where our skilled and compassionate staff come in. 

A group of dedicated leaders, many of our staff are young adults pursuing careers in camping, education, recreation, religion, or the like. They endure an extensive screening and interview process, sharing their personal faith, experience working with children, and specialized skills in an effort to provide a more comprehensive depiction of themselves and their capabilities.

If you have a passion to change the lives of children, a growing Christian calling, and a love for adventure, Camp Bear Creek may just be the perfect place to call home. Ready to have some fun this summer?

Join Our Dedicated Staff

Our campers aren’t the only ones that have grown by the end of the summer. At the close of the season, our staff has found a lifelong community of like-minded leaders who are accepting, curious, positive, and energetic. Here, you will find that it’s the people that make the place whole. This summer, be a part of it.

Advice From Former Staff

Wondering what former team members have to say about Camp Bear Creek?

“This may be the only time in your life that you will be in God’s creation literally 24/7. You’re going to be surrounded by the majesty of nature, from towering trees to fragile flowers, from the drone of cicadas and the chirping of birds, from the brilliant sunrises and star-studded night skies. All of this will be your home. Now that I’m away, I miss it every day. Cherish it.”

“Spend time each day praying for the campers and other staff. These people are going to be part of your life for ten weeks. They come from all different backgrounds, lives, and experiences. They carry their own baggage, their own fears, and their own expectations. Pray for them. Ask God to meet them. Ask God to show you how you can minister to them. Pray for them every day. And then watch God work.”

“You’re not there just for you. You’re there for the campers who look up to you and follow your leadership for that week. You’re there to build relationships and walk with your co-counselors and fellow staff members. You’re there to follow God and the call to serve. It’s such an amazing opportunity and experience, so take it while you can. No matter your reason, it’s going to be the best summer of your life.”

“Don’t be afraid of the challenge. At first, it will all be overwhelming. You are responsible for so much at camp. However, you can do it. Don’t be afraid to make decisions in the moment, to step up and lead. You won’t feel prepared at first, but try. Fake it until you’re ready, and you’ll be amazing. If you can learn to face any challenge like that, you’ll be prepared for all of life.”

“Allow yourself to be transformed and to transform others. By mid-September, you’ll look back and wonder where all the time went. But even when you aren’t at camp, you’ll have the memories. Those memories will include lifelong friendships with the staff, hilarious stories and games, and a trust that you helped many others along their faith journey. So do yourself a favor and live in the moment this summer. You’ll be all the better for it for the rest of your life.”

“Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Camp provides you with an amazing support system, so reach out when you need to. Also don’t be afraid to act silly and try new things. It’ll make each day more fun and more memorable. The best part is, you’ll be learning a lot about yourself and God all summer. Enjoy it and keep an open mind!”

“Camp will change your life. It will change the way you view the world, the people around you, and yourself. You’ll learn that though the days are long, the reward is great and the people you will spend every moment with are unlike any other. Embrace every second and give every camper your all. You will never regret it.”

Our Mission & Values

We serve Christ by providing a place of sanctuary and inspiration.

Grow Your Faith

Above all else, we strive for adventure that will become a formative faith experience. Everything that we do at Camp Bear Creek is rooted in strong Christian values where we love God, love others, and love ourselves.

Be Authentic

At Camp Bear Creek, we value who we are, just as we are. Here, we foster growth and self-improvement while remaining true to ourselves and who God made us to be. The relationships and community we form at Camp Bear Creek reflect our willingness to be authentic with ourselves and with each other.

Connect With Nature

By sharing our setting with campers, guests, and staff, we can be empowered by the grandness of nature, together. Positive change is born from quiet reflection, making our woods not only beautiful but also inspiring.

Live in the Moment

Camp forces us to grow as people—to make decisions, build relationships, and learn about Christ. Through our programs and worship spaces, adventure and exploration become even stronger, resulting in the development of new skills, creativity, and greater self-confidence. It’s no secret that things are happening without you at home. But, there’s no reason to be engulfed by the fear of missing out when what you’re doing is infinitely cooler. This is why we are committed to living in the moment at Camp Bear Creek. This summer, let’s not just think or read about it—let’s live it. 

Pursue Excellence

At Camp Bear Creek, we know that it’s our duty to recognize the interconnectivity of all things whether that relationship be people to the planet, people to wildlife, or people to each other. By taking care of our resources well, we can make sure that we are providing the very best facilities, experiences, and opportunities for our campers and guests.

Ready To Join Our Team?