Winter Blues
After several days of cold where temperatures rarely climb above zero, your days at summer camp might seem like just a distant memory. However, we at Camp Wyoming arealready working hard to make sure that this year, in 2014, every child who joins us for summer camp is going to have a wonderful, faith-filled, fun, crazy, awesome, God-encountering time! Today, we put the brochures for this summer’s camp in the mail, and we are so excited for the months of sunshine, warm weather, creek stomping, singing, kayaking, hiking, Ga Ga playing, and campfire building to come! Registration officially opens on January 15th, so call all your friends and pick a week you can all come together. It’s going to be a great summer.
Maybe right now, however, you have the Winter blues. With all this snow and wind and cold, it’s hard to even think about summer camp. We have a few ways you can stay connected with Camp Wyoming, stay informed about everything to come, and get that little blast of summer that you’re craving!
Keep in touch with your camp friends. Remember all those people you met last summer? Remember how much fun you had swimming in the pool, going down the mud slide, and crawling through Werden’s Cave together? Give them a call! Write them a letter! Send them an email! However you want to stay in touch, do so! This way, you can decide together which camp you want to attend this summer so that you can reconnect with each other again.
- Keep in touch with Camp Wyoming. We have lots of ways for you to stay in touch with us at camp! If you don’t get our newsletters, give us a call at the camp office (563-488-3893) and request to be put on the list. Follow this blog! Become a fan of our Facebook page. Follow us on Twitter. Stay informed so that you know all about deadlines for registration, when our Open House is, and how you can volunteer. There are lots of things going on at camp all year long, and you are more than welcome to be a part of them!
- Sing your favorite camp songs. The best way to beat the Winter blues is by singing!
Teach your mom how to sing Trading My Sorrows. Teach your little brother Pharaoh Pharaoh. Sing Psalm 61 with your family before bed at night. Teach everyone to sing the Superman Grace before dinner! Trust us, it’s lots of fun, and you’ll be dreaming of warm, sunny days in no time!
- Watch your End of the Week video again. Sometimes all you need to beat the Winter blues is to play that video of your friend zooming down the zip line or your group doing the Whale Watch in the challenge course. See if you can remember all the names of the campers in your group and your counselors. Do you remember what worship service was your favorite? Inspire camp memories by playing the video and remembering all the fun you had!
Finally, remember some of your Bible study commitments and reapply them at home. Last summer, we learned about All Things New. How is God giving you New Expressions? What ways can you be creative at church or at home to share the love of God with people around you? How is God giving you a New Life? Does the way you act, talk, and play reflect how God is changing you and renewing you?
We can’t wait to see you again this summer! Until then, we hope that you are staying warm and getting excited for everything that is to come at Camp Wyoming. Be sure to check your mailbox every day for the brochure that is on its way!