Sylvia Hughes

Sylvia is so excited to join us this summer at Camp Bear Creek and have a real “summer camp” experience. She never had the opportunity to go to a traditional overnight summer camp growing up, although she had several different experiences like summers at music camp and drum major camp. She joins us this summer as our Media Intern and says, “I love to capture emotion on camera, so I cannot wait to capture all of Camp Bear Creek’s fun!”

Sylvia grew up in Eureka, Illinois and attends Augustana College. She is majoring in Multimedia Journalism and Mass Communications (MJMC) and Communication Studies while also minoring in Psychology and Theatre Arts. If you can’t tell, Sylvia is a very busy person! When she’s not studying, she likes to dance, hike, try new coffee shops, go to concerts, and travel.

Sylvia says, “When I’m singing in my college choir or spending time in nature, I feel the most connected with God. I particularly love to sing a piece called ‘Holden Evening Prayer’ from Holden Village, WA.” She has studied ballet since she was three years old and loves classical music. Her creativity and artistic eye are going to serve her well here as the Media Intern this summer.

Sylvia’s favorite Bible verse is Mark 1:13: “He was with the wild animals and the angels, who were serving him.”


Join Summer Camp 2024

Registration is now open!

A group of kids posing for a picture at summer camp in Iowa.