Summer Camp Parents

What a Difference a Week Makes

By Stacie Hoppman September 17, 2024

For most kids at Camp Bear Creek, summer camp is only a week long. And you might wonder how much life change can really take place in a week. However, the impact of camp lasts long after that week is over. Kids grow in so many ways at camp.

They grow in independence and confidence. “Being away from home, I learned that I can do things for myself,” one camper told us. Kids at camp reach outside of their comfort zone, try new things, and make new friends. And with each step, they build self-esteem and gain a sense of accomplishment and independence.

They grow in faith. So many kids, when asked about their camp experience, share their appreciation for the faith formation that happens at camp. Whether it is memorizing a Bible verse with their peers, acting out a parable from the life of Jesus, or singing together in worship, camp reminds kids that they are part of a community of faith. Their counselors model Christian values and they learn how to live, love, and work out their faith in new and exciting ways.

They grow in appreciation for the natural world. When phones and devices are set aside, it leaves room for campers to wonder at the starry sky or notice the butterfly cocoon about to hatch. They walk to breakfast through the dewy, misty meadow, play color wars games beneath a vibrant, sunset sky, and listen to the song of the cicadas as they fall asleep. The goodness of God’s creation surrounds them and invites them to experience more.

They grow in happiness and well-being. At camp, kids have positive experiences in a place where they are free to just be themselves. “This is a place without judgement,” a camper said. It’s okay to be silly or crazy. It’s okay to get messy. It’s okay to ask questions or laugh out loud or to be afraid. There are people right beside you to love you through it all.

It might be just one week, but that’s all it takes to make a difference!