Ben Bunn

Ben joins us for his second summer on staff this year after growing up as a camper at Camp Bear Creek. He started as an Explorer Camper and came every summer all the way through Counselors in Training (CIT) camp. Ben attends the University of Iowa where he is majoring in Exercise Science on the Pre-Physician Assistant track.

Ben is from New Sharon, Iowa and currently lives in Iowa City. He likes to play sports, watch movies, hang out with friends, and stay involved in his school and community organizations. Recently, he’s also been enjoying exploring his new home in Iowa City. He considers himself a “sneakerhead” and has over fifty shoes in his collection! Maybe you’ll get to see some of his favorites at camp. Ben also deems himself an “unofficial critic” on almost any topic – food, movies, music, shoes, clothes – Ben is a pretty opinionated person and can give you his opinion on them all!

Listening and singing along to worship music in the car is Ben’s favorite way to connect with God. This summer, he can’t wait to be back at camp in one of his favorite places. Ben says, “I’m looking forward to being back at my happy place, making new memories, and building new or continuing to grow relationships that have come because of camp!”

Ben’s favorite Bible verse is Colossians 3:23: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.”


Join Summer Camp 2024

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A group of kids posing for a picture at summer camp in Iowa.