Denise Thompson

Denise is a familiar face around Camp Bear Creek! She grew up in Wadena, Iowa and was introduced to camp through her older sister, Dawn. Denise has worked on staff as a counselor, Leadership Development Coordinator, Unit Director, and is joining us again this year as a High Ropes Specialist! She brings a lot of experience and expertise to the table! Denise is really known around camp for her infectious energy and her ability to make sure everyone is having fun.

Denise works as a para-educator for All Saints Catholic School in Davenport. In her free time, she likes to read, run, write, and hang out with friends. She’s run two half-marathons and she’s currently attempting to learn Norwegian!

Going for walks and listening to music (her favorite band is Needtobreathe) is her favorite way to connect with God. Thinking about coming back to camp this summer, Denise says she is looking forward to “being outdoors, learning new skills, and connecting with the camp community.”

Denise’s favorite Bible verse is Romans 8:39: “No power in the sky above or in the earth below- indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.”


Join Summer Camp 2024

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A group of kids posing for a picture at summer camp in Iowa.