Inga is from Cedar Rapids, Iowa and will be graduating from high school this May. She plans to attend the University of Northern Iowa where she will major in Psychology. Inga attended Camp Bear Creek as a camper and completed our Counselor-in-Training program. Now, she’s joining us for her first summer on staff! Inga says, “All of my experiences at camp have brought me so much closer to God.”
In her free time, Inga likes to exercise, sew, and read. She’s left handed, which is a little quirky, and she loves to make and create things. Her favorite way to connect with God is through doing her own personal Bible study and writing about God or praying to Him.
Inga can’t wait to be part of the Camp Bear Creek staff. She says, “The thing I am most looking forward to this summer is being able to give campers a great camp experience just as I had gotten as a camper from my counselors growing up.”
Inga’s favorite Bible verse is 1 John 4:19: “We love because He first loved us.”